воскресенье, февраля 27, 2005

International Affairs

I saw Mr. Woo again at Publix yesterday. He wasn't quite as excited as he had been on Tuesday night...must not have won as much on his scratch offs...

Today Calyn and I spent all day at the International Bizaar at FSU. It was fun, but really, really long. They had some yummy food from different places. We made some Blinni (sp?) which is basically really thin pancakes that you can put stuff in. What kind of stuff you might ask...whatever you want (meat, cheese, fruit, today we had nutella, sour cream and sugar, whatever). They are really good though. And we got to hang out with some people that I haven't seen much this semester because I don't get off work in time to go to Russian Club. Fun Stuff. But, long day. Oh--then we couldn't remember where we had parked... found what I was pretty sure was the parking garage we had parked in, but wasn't 100% sure and we couldn't find the car...I just kept thinking "man, we could be here all night and never find the car" Well, we did find it and it was the right parking garage, but it was kinda funny there for a few min.s :o)

Oh, I also talked to Chaz on the phone tonight. He came to Radooga last summer and lives Orlando now, but he is in Tally for the weekend. He said he'd call again tomorrow. But, we were talking and laughing about this summer b/c he had never acted before and he got put on the drama team. He turned out to be really great. I told him he was definatly the best ballerina we had all summer :o)

Well, that's all I've got for now. I'll write more soon :o)


пятница, февраля 25, 2005

Love, Luck and Lolipops

I often make mention of the people in my life that I am closest to and how much they mean to me--Calyn, my Grandma, etc--but, today I thought I would tell you about someone I am not super close to, but I have a great deal of respect for. Mr. Robbie used to be the assistant director of the extended day program at Springwood Elem. He was so encouraging to me. Mr. Robbie never forgot anyones birthday, he would bring flowers to the girls on Valentines day and he would occationally bring us lunch from Heavenly Ham (his other job). His cards would always be signed "love, luck and lolipops" and that would make me smile. He was always thinking of other people. One really cool thing I leared that Mr. Robbie would do for others is when he would go through a drive through at a fast food restaurant he would pay for the car behind him. I think that is really cool. Now, Mr. Robbie owns the Metro Deli on Monroe Street. Ms. Julie and I visit him there sometimes. We really miss him here at Springwood, but I am glad that he is being able to bless new people at his new job. I hope that I encourage my coworkers as much as Mr. Robbie encouraged me :o)

Love, Luck and Lolipops :o)

четверг, февраля 24, 2005

My Mr. Woo Encounter

Ok, for those of you who rang the bell and encountered Mr. Woo...you'll appreciate this. For the rest of you...well, I'll try and clue you in a bit...

On Tues. I had a really long day at work and was ready to go home. Was trying to decide if I should stop by the Junction or PCBS...When I walked in to clock out Ms. Julie says "I need someone to go to Publix tonight to get muffins for 'Muffins with Mom' in the morning" (translation--"Lori--please go to Publix so I don't have to.") I didn't really want to--I was ready to be done with work for the day, especially being that I knew I would have to be there again at 6:30 in the morning...sad for me :o( But, I have this thing about telling people 'no'--I don't, not very well or very often anyway. So, I said I'd go. On my way I was talking--ok, whining--to God...but, when I pulled in the parking space I just stopped and asked for him to do something to cheer me up (see, usually this is the point when I would call Calyn, but I knew that the was PCBS going on, so I didn't) Well, when I walked up to the service counter to get my purchase order who was there but Mr. Woo* :o) And he was buying scratch of lottery tickets and going up to all of the Publix employees saying "whoo-whoo" when he would win. Ok, so it wasn't a huge deal, but it did make me laugh and laughing made me feel better. Then I did call PCBS and the Junction to tell them of my Woo encounter :o) God is faithful even in the little things. I can't believe how many times I refuse to give him the bigger ones.

*for those of you who don't know Mr. Woo is the man who owns the Chinese Restaurant next to the Oak Valley Publix. This is not his real name, but what the Publix employees have named him. For more information on Mr. Woo see me or Calyn or Todd :o)

вторник, февраля 22, 2005

Relationships are...


Life is all about relationships. Your relationship with God. Your relationship with you parents and your siblings. Relationships with your friedns, your co-workers, other church memebers, class mates, the checkout lady. They're everywhere. And I don't know about you, but in my experiance they are the best and most complicated thing about life. Without relationships I wouldn't be here...see my mom met my dad...and well, I guess you get the rest... :o) And you're pretty much stuck with your family. Which is both really cool and often not so much. See, your family is your family and no matter how much they want to disown you (or vise versa) they can't. Being an only child I have often envyed those of you who have siblings. I know you may not like them all the time, but they are connected to you in a way different from any other relational connection. Love them always and like them when you can :o) Then there are your friends...in this relationship there has to be a continual, mutual choice for relationship. And I s'pose this is where the most complication comes in to play. Well, I got lucky, see, I have this friend who right from the beginning we settled on the choice to make the continual, mutual thing a lifetime thing. We sort of eliminated the whole option to "get out"...(see, in normal friendships there is always the option of ending the relationship...a person moves away and you never talk again...you both get busy and neither takes inititive to call...there's a huge fight and both parties are hurt and neither wants to put in the effort it will take to mend...) I guess what I'm saying is that God gave me something better than the sibling I so desparatly wanted and even better than the friend I thought I needed, he gave me both rolled into one and I love her. Anyway, I digress...then there are romantic relationships and I am certainly not the expert in this department (being that I've never been in one) but from the ones I've seen they may be the most complicated yet. do I like him? does he like me? if we both like each other where do we go from here? ok we've been dating for a while how do we know we're ready to get married...and I s'pose it could just go on and on...maybe, if I'm lucky, one day I'll find out first hand just how complicated those relationships can be...but for now I want to nurish the relationships God has put in my life right now. I just don't always know how...Love God; Love people, right??? well, that's what I want to do...my prayer is that God would help me balance the relationships he's given me and help me to manage the time I have to glorify Him through each and every one of them...I'm learning to love my family more (and sometimes that can be really hard); and I'm learning to communicate with some of my coworkers which has taken me a really long time in some cases; and I've had some time to help a friend in need which is great b/c I like to be helpful; I've gotten to spend more time with some really great friends who I hadn't had real conversations with in a long time, and it's been really awesome to be part of their lives again; I miss some of my friends, 'cause we have a hard time finding time for just us, but I'm not done trying to make the time to spend with them...

...God, thank You for the relationships You've given me. Help me not to take any of them forgranted and help me to love you and to love others through them--I want to worship You with my relationships.

пятница, февраля 18, 2005


Veronica comes to the states on the 23rd. That's super exciting. Hey Vin, wanna go that weekend??? Let me know :o)

Well, I have lots more to say, but I don't have the time right now...I'll try and get a better update up on Sat. morning.


среда, февраля 16, 2005


The first thing I need to say, you need to know, is...


Yea! So, hopefully she'll be coming to the states soon.

Next, I thought I would share a funny story with you. Well, I work at an elem. school and yesterday my kindergadtners and I were playing in centers in the classroom. Daniel and Dylan Dinosaur were playing in the reading center, but reading only lasted about 30 sec. Then they decided to play duck duck goose--BY THEMSELVES. So, yeah, not real sure how that works but it was super funny. I wish I had it on video.

Last night was the junction at Todd's house. We had a lot of fun. And the x-box was only on until people started arriving. Then it was on to pool and hillarium. Todd is looking for a square dance caller if you know anyone--for sat. at 1:00. Drew even let me where his spiderman costume and play spiderman with him for a little while. Oh, and we called PCBS (that's Pink Carpet Bible Study, for those of you who don't know) but, they were in Calyn's room (on the pink carpets--go figure) watching Steven (great movie), so they didn't here me talking on the answering machine.

Well, I'm off to wal-mart to get some things for the talent show my kids will be doing tomorrow. I'll post again later.

вторник, февраля 15, 2005

V Day

Happy Valentine's Day everyone...

My day started out not so good. I have to be at work at 7am and when I stay out late, that's not such a pleasent time for me. And today was Monday and that is rarly a happy thing. I was scared that it was only going to get worse as Kenley woke me from my nap to come help him, there were NO parking spots at work and my boss was not there today. But, my low expectations were exceeded and that was good. I had fun playing ball with Hunter and Ciera, I found my wallet which had been MIA, I got to visit with Vin and Jesse at the Reber's where we watched my two favorite scenes from Mulin Ruge (which is one nice features of DVD players), Kenley and I went to visit my Grandma.

This is a really boring entry and I can't really think of anything else to post...let me think...well, since Christina and the girl from Canada (trisha? maybe?) have been posting some jokes, here's one for you...this is Ms. Julie's favorite joke...

What's the difference between buggers and broccli?

Kid's won't eat broccli.

da dun chhh :o)

Well, that's all for now. Hope you had a good V day, too.

понедельник, февраля 14, 2005


Ok, so there's this song...that's about this verse...and that's where the name came from...the misspelling was for several reasons...mainly that there was already a correctly spelled user on my server, also my friends are well aware of my inabilaty to spell (and if you continue to read my blog, you will soon learn, too)

The song: it's on a Sandi Patty kids CD and says

Sandi: "Hey Anna, did you know there's a verse in the Bible that talks about feet?"
Anna: "there is???!!!!"
Sandi: "There is, and it says that feet are beautifull when they carry the good news about
Anna: "Oh, I want to have beautiful feet!"
...the song goes on and its kinda goofy kinda cute :o)

The verse: "How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who proclaims salvation, who brings good tidings, who says to Zion 'your God reigns.'" Isaiah 52:7

Why me??? b/c I have a foot feddish...I like them...I like flip flops and crazy socks and toe rings and feet....yeah, I know, I'm weird.

But, more importantly, I want to have beautiful feet, too. I want to bring good news, and procliam salvation!!! I want Jesus to look and me and to love my feet :o)