четверг, февраля 24, 2005

My Mr. Woo Encounter

Ok, for those of you who rang the bell and encountered Mr. Woo...you'll appreciate this. For the rest of you...well, I'll try and clue you in a bit...

On Tues. I had a really long day at work and was ready to go home. Was trying to decide if I should stop by the Junction or PCBS...When I walked in to clock out Ms. Julie says "I need someone to go to Publix tonight to get muffins for 'Muffins with Mom' in the morning" (translation--"Lori--please go to Publix so I don't have to.") I didn't really want to--I was ready to be done with work for the day, especially being that I knew I would have to be there again at 6:30 in the morning...sad for me :o( But, I have this thing about telling people 'no'--I don't, not very well or very often anyway. So, I said I'd go. On my way I was talking--ok, whining--to God...but, when I pulled in the parking space I just stopped and asked for him to do something to cheer me up (see, usually this is the point when I would call Calyn, but I knew that the was PCBS going on, so I didn't) Well, when I walked up to the service counter to get my purchase order who was there but Mr. Woo* :o) And he was buying scratch of lottery tickets and going up to all of the Publix employees saying "whoo-whoo" when he would win. Ok, so it wasn't a huge deal, but it did make me laugh and laughing made me feel better. Then I did call PCBS and the Junction to tell them of my Woo encounter :o) God is faithful even in the little things. I can't believe how many times I refuse to give him the bigger ones.

*for those of you who don't know Mr. Woo is the man who owns the Chinese Restaurant next to the Oak Valley Publix. This is not his real name, but what the Publix employees have named him. For more information on Mr. Woo see me or Calyn or Todd :o)

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