вторник, октября 11, 2005

The Volumes of my Father's Grace

I just finished reading Isaiah.  I must admit, it took much longer than I had hoped it would and I was not near as faithful in studying it as I had wanted to be, but it was good, nonetheless.  I decided to continue on in the OT at night with studying Jeremiah, but felt like I wanted to read in the NT too, but I didn’t know what, so I followed PCBS’s lead and started with Hebrews.  This morning I was reminded in chapter 4 verse 12 just how important it is to really study the Bible and what it says. 


Laden with guilt and full of fear, I fly to Thee, my Lord;

And not a glimpse of hope appears, but in Thy written Word

The Volumes of my Father’s grace does all my griefs assuage

Here I behold my Savior’s face in every Page.


This is the field where hidden lies, the Pearl of Price unknown

The merchant is divinely wise who makes the Pearl his own.

Here Consecrated Water flows to quench my thirst from sin;

Here the fair Tree of Knowledge grows, no danger dwells within


This is the Judge that ends the strife where wit and reason fail

The Guide to everlasting life throughout this gloomy veil

Oh, may the councils, Mighty God, my roaming feet command

Nor I forsake the Happy Road that leads to Thy right hand


God’s been reminding me lately about how important it is to constantly seek Him and how a big part of that is through studying His Word.  I love this song and I love all the analogies that are mentioned in this song.  God’s Word is precious.  It is a letter from our Father to us.  It is volumes of God’s grace; it is the image of the face of our Savior’s; it is the Pearl of great price; it is Holy Water that refreshes us; it is a Tree of Knowledge; it is a place of refuge; it is a Guide and a Judge; and it is a Happy Road.  I pray that I will not take for granted just how precious and powerful His Word really is.  God’s Word has the power to change lives.  My prayer is that it will continue to change mine everyday as I read it and learn more and more about this God that I serve.   


“For the word of God is living and active.  Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the attitude of the heart.”  Hebrews 4:12



2 комментария:

Tamara комментирует...

Go away spamaniacs (like that title? I made it up all by myself). I miss you, Lori :) I am praying for you and love you very much... thank you for being a friend who loves through the thicker and thinner and who is always there to encourage me through anything I face. I love you sooo much and am so blessed to know you. SMILE :) :) :)

Calyn комментирует...

That's like my favorite song ever! So good. And yes, doing things with Pink Carpet Bible Study is a smart idea. :0) Like dying your hair, because you should do that and it would be awesome. PLEASE!? Then make Syoma take pictures and put them on his xanga. :0) Yes... so good. I definitely get to see Carli in 3 days!!! Count them- 1, 2, 3. Yessss. I love you and have a great day! You should post more.