суббота, апреля 09, 2005

Godby DCT Lunchen

Happy Weekend Everybody...

I don't know about ya'll, but after this week, I was sure ready for it :o) It wasn't really a bad week, but definatly a long week; and stressfull at times. I am greatful for the break and it has started out well...

You guys will appreciate this...ok, so I went to an employer/employee lunchen for Godby DCT yesterday--I being the employer (that's weird--but, Ms. Julie was out of town and thus, I was next in line...it was either me or Matt, and we all knew he wouldn't go... and Miss Stephanie being the employee) I don't know Miss Stephanie all that well so it was a good opportunity to get to know her a little better...anyway, the part you will appreciate...They recognized all of the employers and had their work study student stand with them as some person came and presented the employer with a gift. So they called my name "Lori Jackson--Assistant Director, Springwood Extended Day Enrichment Program" and Miss Stephanie and I stood up, and the gave HER my award :o( sad day. but, it was funny and we were both laughing about it :o) and she gave it to me as we sat down, so I did get my present...and I had told her that would happen...story of my life. Anyway I thought some of you--Paul--would enjoy that :o)

2 комментария:

Jenshka комментирует...

Lori, I need to talk to you about getting a job at Springwood Extended Day Enrichment Program (wow, try typing that 5 times fast) in the fall. And we still really need to take our TCBY trip with Brandon.

Lori комментирует...

Gee, thanks for the line Ms. Debbie :o) Paul, I'm impressed. nice job.