пятница, апреля 01, 2005

A Thunderous Love

Today at work, I was in the Cafetiria, playing Bingo with my board games class when the downpour hit. Granted, it didn't last long, but long enough to send all the kids from the playground rushing to the Cafeteria. I'm not sure why everything seemed so chaotic this afternoon--mom said it had been like that all day-- but in the middle of the chaos, my ears shifted toward the sound of frightened crying. One of my k-clubbers was whailing; I thrust the microphone I had been holding at Mr. Matt and ran to see what had set off Austin C. A usually tough kid. He said that the rain was scarry and he didn't like it and that he just wanted to go home. I sat next to him for a long while, while Mr. Matt and the other staff began to settle the other kids for a movie and computer lab. After about 10 min. Austin stopped crying long enough to look up at me and ask "Miss Lori, did God make it rain like this?" Austin was scared--in the rain, He saw the power of God, and it scared him. I told Austin that God did make it rain, but then we talked about why we need rain. We talked about how the grass and trees and plants need to drink the water and what would happen if it didn't rain--I reminded him of the pictures I had showed him from Guatemala and of the drought we had talked about after I got back. I told him that the rain is a good thing, and that we would be safe inside and that his mom would be here soon to pick him up. Austin seemed contented to hear that and went to join the other kids on the stage. About a half hour later, Austin came up behind me and grabbed my shirt, "Miss Lori," he said again, "next time it rains I'm gonna think that God loves me." Wow. Thank you, Austin C. for reminding me that my God is powerful enough to send rain and gentle enough to show Himself to a five year old. :o)

10 комментариев:

Jim комментирует...

That's awesome Lori!

Анонимный комментирует...

Except that my mom has her dates confused and it is only april 2nd, not april 3rd. Oy gevalt.

Jenshka комментирует...

First off, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
Wow Lori, that was an awesome story. It made me tear up. I love little kids, so sweet and innocent and teachable.

Lori комментирует...

Isn't Jenshka gonna be a great teacher!!! :o)

Calyn комментирует...

Yes, if she thinks that little kids are sweet, innocent and teachable. Those are definitely not the three words I would use to describe little kids. However, I am very glad that there are people in the world like Jenshka, because if not, this world would be a very sad place.

Jim комментирует...

I have to agree with Calyn. Maybe Jenna needs to come help Lucy and I with the 2nd graders on Sunday. :)

Анонимный комментирует...

hey lori!!
i found your blog through calyn's. that was a really good story. and so true :) it was so neat to talk to you AND calyn at the same time last night. we should try that more often! both of you are so special...i really wish we lived closer. i hope you have a good rest of the week!

p.s. there is something in the mail on it's way to you...i was hoping it would get there yesterday, but i guess it didn't. :(

lauren a.

Calyn комментирует...

Lauren, I LOVE YOU!!! I'm so glad we got to talk last night. You make me happy. :0) And I'm jealous you get to see Veronica this weekend. Tell her I love her. OH, y'all should call me and Lori. Fun stuff. Paka!

Анонимный комментирует...

hey! okay, we'll call you this weekend! but, i don't have speaker phone on my cell, so i don't know how that'll work out. maybe i'll just turn the volume up real loud :) hey, you guys get to see her next week, right? oh--her b-day is also this friday...i need to get her a present...ideas? anyone? there's nothing ukrainian here. hm. okay. bye!

Calyn комментирует...

Ooh! Thanks for the update! I didn't know when it was, so that's good to know. Spaseeba!