понедельник, апреля 25, 2005

The End is Near!

We only have one smallville episode left in Season 3. We are having a party on Thursday night to finnish up. It will be bitter sweet. (ok, so I'm overreacting :o) it will be fun and season four will be out in October and we are going to have marathons when T is home for Thanksgiving and Christmas :o) Yeah, yeah, we're obsessed. But, know this...it is Boy Meets World that will occompany me to Ukraine this summer--not Smallville. Because we all know who won the poll :o)

2 комментария:

Calyn комментирует...

Ooh ,that's right. I keep forgetting. We're going to have marathons in Ukraine! So exciting. And just think of all the poor, helpless staff members who haven't seen it yet. Sad day. No more watching Friends. We have something much better.

Jenshka комментирует...

Did you ever get your DVDs fixed?