четверг, марта 24, 2005

Final Episode

The final episode of Boy Meets World was on tonight. Gosh, I love that show. There is no other show that I laugh out loud at even when I'm by myself. I love the characters; they are so funny. I have seasons one and two on dvd, I need to check to see when season three is coming out. Yes, I am obsessed and I'm well aware, but, if you haven't watched it since TGIF, you really shoud watch it again. I really thing I like it more every time I watch it :o)

3 комментария:

Calyn комментирует...

Uh! I already posted my comment, but my stupid computer froze in the middle of it. Grrrr. Okay, so how did you feel about the whole "class dismissed" thing? For crying out loud, couldn't Finney just tell them he loved them. I mean, come on. He's been their teacher for like, 50 years. Would it have really been that that painful?

Lori комментирует...

Hehehe--I love that Eric says "say you love us Feeny...come on say you love us...SAY IT!" I love Eric. And I love that Cory says "come on, you know that we were your favorite." And I'm sure they were his favorite...I mean he folled them from elem. to middle to high school and even to college...it wouldn't supprise me if he eventually ended up in NY, too :o) but, I wasn't super impressed with the final episode and the whole "class dismissed" thing just kinda leaves you sad and that is not how I want to end. I want to end happy.

Jenshka комментирует...

I love Boy Meets World! I am watching it right now, although it's one of the ones where they are little, and I like the college ones better. They are much funnier, but oh well, I still love this show.