четверг, апреля 30, 2009

Life Skills Curriculum Training: Day 2

Today has been much more Informational and less of the game playing that occurred most of the day yesterday has repeated today—a plus in my book, but I know not everyone’s, so maybe this training will be well balanced and keep us all happy.

Today I’ve been talking to a guy named Vladimir who serves at an orphanage in Zaporozhzhia. He’s only been there about a year (similar to myself) and it is really great to hear about what God is doing in other orphanages and other cities.

Please pray for those of us going through this course. Pray that we would constantly be seeking Christ in the ministries that He has called us to. And that we would always remember that the only thing we have to give is Him. And pray that the Holy Spirit would work through us to bring hope and change lives—because only He can.

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