среда, сентября 10, 2008


Keeping with the Egypt theme that I seem to have been on for the past several weeks, Ginny Owens sings a song that’s first verse and chorus say:

“No, Lord” he said,
“You’ve got the wrong guy.
Simple conversation gets me tongue tied
And you’re telling me to speak with a maniac king.
Or could it be, I’ve lost my mind
Besides I am weak don’t you want someone strong
To lead them out of Egypt when they’ve been there so long.
And anyway they won’t believe you ever spoke to me”
“It’s not your problem.” God replied
And the rest is history.

“There’s a bigger picture you can’t see.
You don’t have to change the world just trust in me.
Cause I am your creator I am working out my plan
And through you I’ll show them I Am.”

How refreshing it is to remember that the ‘giants’ of scripture struggled with many of the same things we struggle with. I mean, Moses had a bush in flames talking to him, and he was still unsure…and yet sure enough to listen. Moses doubted his own abilities. And he told God this. But, Moses trusted God more than he trusted what he thought or felt. And because Moses listened to God he was able to not only watch God perform amazing miracles, but to be used in the midst of those miracles.

I am scared. I can’t see the next step. More than once I’ve told God he’s crazy. More than once I’ve brought up my lack of language skills, my uncertainty in leadership, my fear of people. But every time I come back fact that more than I trust myself, I trust him. He has been so faithful in everything. And with all that he has done to move me to this place (both physically and spiritually) I would be the crazy one if I thought that what I can see behind me could ever be better than what I can’t see in front of me.

And so, I hold my breath a little, reach out my hand to the one that I know is in front of me even when I cannot see it, and begin to put one foot in front of the other.

I trust. In him.

2 комментария:

Michelle комментирует...

This encouraged me today...thanks for sharing....

Ministry Happens in Ukraine комментирует...

I'm having some of these same fears and I'm not even there yet. He is faithful...and you're being there and doing it is inspiration to me!