среда, января 31, 2007

A Post for the "Would-be Homeless With You" kids

I think about how much distance sucks sometimes...I was looking at Calyn's pics from our 'reunion' today and thinking about how great it was just worshiping God together. Just being with ya'll is encouragement to me. And there are moments that I wish it could be one of those star gazing nights forever. But, today I was thinking about all the cool things that we all do in our 'own little corners’ of the world; And how awesome it is that God has each of us right where He wants us to be and yet still manages to weave all of our lives together :o) He’s so cool!!!

Tay-Tay: this is your seinor year...so many relationships that you have now, you won't have again. So, make the most of every opportunity. The people saw Jesus in Stephen...I know they see Him in you too.

Yakov: Oleg once said that you have a personality that people are attracted to...just because your you. This is true. So, "whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus" and I know that lives will be changed :o)

Carlitchka: Roommates, classmates, Wesley people...I know that others are blessed through knowing you, because I sure have been :o) In all my prayers for you, I always pray with JOY!

Vin: FSU, D-now, your middle school boys, Lerah, your family, us...God is doing big things through you in your world. I know you don't see it all the time, but we do :o) THANK YOU for following Him as best you know how. You are my Jonathan. I think you know that, though :o)

God's plan is perfect. Sometimes I see that so clearly and other times I miss it entirely...but I’m glad that I can always KNOW it. On days like today, when I can see how perfectly he positioned each of us at THIS moment in time, I smile.

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