пятница, декабря 09, 2005

Wherever you are...be all there (I'm learning...)

Again, so long since I've updated. Sorry about that. Right now, I
am trying to be "all here." Last week I was so jet lagged and wanted
nothing more than to be back in Kiev (and take Calyn and my mom with
me). This week, I still long for home, but I am happy to be here and
am beginning to make better use of the short time that I have and I
know that I will wish that I had more when it is gone. Today I went
to lunch with Kyle and the girlfriend and that was good. We went to
the Chicken store and I saw Gaby--which was super exciting! Tomorrow
I will take my Grandmother shopping--pray for me :o)
OOOOO...schoolastic book fair is going on this week and my mom gets a
huge discount for being a teacher, I was buying hardback Harry Potter
books for 50 cents and got some books to take back for English club
too. So good.

Tes--it was good to hear your voice too, really. I cannot wait to
spend real time with you. Thank you--more than words--for your

Peace Out.

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