пятница, ноября 18, 2005

Only becuase I can't tell Toddie no...

Well, Toddie tagged me, so here we go…


  1. In Tallahassee I was so addicted to Dr. Pepper that the man who owns the Chevron between my house and Springwood knows my name, noticed when I moved to Graceville, noticed when I moved back home and often gives me free fountain drinks and/or cappuccinos.  In Ukraine there is no Dr. Pepper.  This is very sad.  I am now addicted to hot tea and coffee and drink at least one cup of one or the other everyday…often time both.
  2. I always sit in the same seat on the marshootka (small bus used for public transportation).  This seat varies depending on the # of the marshootka and where I get on it from.  For Example I get on 45+22 from my house and I will sit in the second seat behind the driver.  If I get on it from the metro to come home I will sit in the second seat from the back.  If I am with Amberly I will sit in the aisle seat, but if I am alone I sit in the window seat.
  3. When making coffee (we use the instant kind…but, don’t think that it isn’t good…we use the SUPER AWESOME instant kind that Jake E. Poo discovered this summer) I always put the coffee in, then the creamer, then the sugar.  Then, I use the spoon to stir everything together so that it is brown and white speckled before I add the boiling water. 
  4. Lists.  I am addicted to lists.  I want to make one for everything.  I make the same grocery list almost every week.  We used to keep it on our white board on our fridge until Pasha took to erasing it every time he came over.  So we added “Pasha—DO NOT ERASE” to the top of the board and so Tyoma came over and erases it.  Now, we keep a hard copy instead and let the boys play with the white board.  But, I keep lists of other things too…people I am praying for, things to do at work, people to buy things for, people to e-mail, stuff to blog about, stuff to tell Calyn when she calls, now I am making a list of the things I make lists about.  I’m telling you, it’s bad.  I just looked down on my desk and there is a grocery store list on top of my calendar, a “things to add to the website” list beside my computer, a “people from team 6” list behind my computer, and a list of things to bring home next to my backpack.  Not to mention all the lists actually stored in my computer…oh, and look, this is a list of my weird habits…opa.
  5.  I have an oral fixation.  I have to have something in my mouth all the time.  Not gum though.  I have slight TMJ and chewing gum hurts my jaw.  I bite my fingernails too much, but to try and avoid that I chew on other things.  Presently I have a small plastic fork I am chewing on.  I really like to chew on the coffee stirrers that we usually have at the office.  I also like straws and plastic spoons.  I’ll chew on a pen if that is all that is around.  I have never chewed a pencil, though working at an elem. School for 5 years, I have seen lots of pencils that have been chewed. 


There you go, the first 5 weird habits that I could think of.  I’m sure there are plenty more.  If you want to share more of my weird habits with the world feel free to post them as comments to this post. You guys probably know them better than I do.  Sorry, I’m not gonna tag anyone.  I told my roommate that I would boycott the game if it got to me and the next day Toddie had tagged me.  And since it is Toddie…well, I had to play. 

1 комментарий:

Анонимный комментирует...

Lori, you are awesome. I think I got tagged by Calyn..but im choosing to ignore that it happened. I think it is better that way, and I have a feeling she won't mind!