четверг, октября 27, 2005

50 Reasons I miss Calyn (and believe me, there are many more)

--her hugs

--the way she calls at 12:30 to say “I’m bored”

--the way the answer to 12:30 “I’m bored” phone calls is a drive to the Georgia line and often some star gazing.

--the fact that she knows that I can find her glasses even when I am in another city

--watching movies and eating icecream

--sitting on couches in Toddie’s and Mr. Scott’s offices with her

--dinners with her family where the boys aren’t allowed to leave the table until I’m done eating :o)

--praying with her

--swinging with her in the middle of the night :o)

--shopping with her—I need her approval!

--jammin to Christmas music in the middle of the summer w/ the ac turned up as high as it goes.

--rooming with her at camp

--spending the night at her house on a work night and trying to be quiet as I sneak out early

--taking a nap on her couch while she plays the piano

--reminding her that she can slay the dragon!

--hearing her ring on my cell phone…(I just remembered that one, made me smile)

--singing Big Fish w/ her for my mom (my mom is so weird :o) 

--buying her just because presents

--seeing her face when she receives a just b/c present

--making rice crispy treats with her

--getting into a melted marshmallow fight w/ her while making rice crispy treats…

--the fact that she doesn’t make me play games, but she is excited when I want to :o)

--the way she always wants me on her team

--creating the perfect pirate costume for, well just b/c pirates are cool :o)

--the way she has really cool ideas and I figure out how to make them actually happen

            (we make a good team)

--hearing messages on my cell phone in Russian

--listening to them 5 times to understand what was said, and then being very proud of my accomplishment

--going on road trips to Atlanta or Birmingham or Sea World—wherever really.

--the way she gets so scared when I say “we need to talk” but everything always ends up fine in the end :o)

--Timothy…I really do miss him :o( and it just hit me again that he won’t be there when I get back :o(

            wow—he Yoda and Holly are all gone now—that is weird.

--her singing me the song she learned in Russian class her first semester

--seeing her every day

--the way I don’t have to talk for her to listen.  She hears my heart.

--watching Cheers while she does her homework

--the way she makes up off the wall answers to why questions

--stopping at the Chevron to get diet Pepsi and Dr. Pepper

--late night Wal-Mart trips

--meeting her at the TCC student union

--taco bell trips

--not having to ring her doorbell

--meeting her in the hallway at Leon to exchange songs that we had written out in pictures

--staying up all night to try and get through to Ukraine :o) 

--helping her make sets for ROC

--two words—galactic glue!

--calling her for “two mins” because I am stressed about whatever.

--counting down the number of days until we leave for Ukraine

--skipping out on movie’s with friends with her because $7 is way too much to spend on a movie

--confusing David when we both try and talk to him on IM at the same time

--laughing at Boy Meets world b/c we are so Cory and Shawn

--mostly I just miss being able to talk to her anytime I want.


Vin is the best friend ever and God has blessed us so much in our relationship.  And has kept us close despite distance.  He’s good like that.  I hope that everyone will try and be the kind of friend that Calyn is to me because I know that so much of who I am is because of our relationship and our seeking God together.  As much as I miss a lot of the physical, day-to-day aspects of our relationship, I realize how blessed we are to have a relationship that is on a deeper level than those things.  It is more about loving each other and encouraging each other to love God and love people. 

1 комментарий:

Todd G Sapp комментирует...

Hey Lori,

Part of me wants to cry as I read that but most of me just wants to be inspired by your commitment to tell people in Ukraine about Jesus. I know your time with Calyn is just one of many sacrifices you are making in order to serve Ukraine. Thanks for being such a great example to all of us.