четверг, мая 19, 2005

Carpet men and Pirates

Hey Guys...Happy Wednesday...I think its about to storm...sad day. Well, I got another afternoon of work so that is good...but, I have not yet taken a nap like I told Mrs. Debbie I would (shhh...don't tell...)

I woke up way too early this morning and had all intentions of going to back to sleep when I got home from before school...however, upon approaching my driveway I see carpet cleaning men...evil carpet cleaning men who make noise and tramp around my house so that I cannot sleep (ok, so they are probably not evil...but pretty annoying) Sad for me.

But, Ms. Julie called and said that if I would take her to FSU for a little while she would buy me lunch AND give me the afternoon off. That was nice...

Calyn and I went to Goodwill and Wally in search of the perfect pirate attire and came home pretty satisfied...we'll see just how good we did when we comepare ours to everyone elses at the PCBS retreat this weekend. :o)

That's about all for today...


2 комментария:

Jenshka комментирует...

I can't go to the PCBS retreat :-( soooooooo sad!

Анонимный комментирует...

there's nothin better than good 'ol pirate garb! hey, did you get my email?