понедельник, марта 28, 2005

Happy Easter!

Well, Lent is officially over and my friends have been w/o soda for 47 days and I, trying to be a good friend, brought DVCs to church. I stuck them in the freezer (as I do at home frequently) well, apparently the freezer at church is not as kind as my freezer at home and the DVCs exploded all over my unsuspecting friends. Calyn, having quick reflexes managed to save her pink dress, Jenshka, not quite so lucky ended up with DVC all over herself w/o even a drop left to sip. Sorry Jenshka :o( Vin and I went to my truck and got a new one for her. :o) Congrats to all my friends who made it all 47 days of Lent :o) Way to Go! You guys are AWESOME!!!

Easter is a great holiday. I mean, first of all, my God rose from the DEAD!!! HELLO, THAT'S HUGE!!! And that's the reason I am going to Heaven one day! How cool is that!?! Another great thing about Easter is that it often falls on Spring Break. That's always a nice thing. Even though I didn't do much exciting this Spring Break, I was relativly productive and that's a good thing :o) Also, Easter is a great Holiday b/c way back in 1983 (wow, I'm old) I was born on Easter Sunday. I interupted my Aunt Debbie's Easter dinner as she loves to remind me every year. (Sorry 'bout that, Aunt Debbie :o)

Well, I hope you all have had a FABULOUS Easter!

2 комментария:

Jenshka комментирует...

Thanks for bringing me a DVC even if it did explode all over me. Hey, it's the thought that counts and I really appreciate it. Oh yeah, and we still need to have our TCBY trip.

Calyn комментирует...

You underestimate my lightning fast reflexes, Lori. I tried to save Jenna, but having both cokes explode at the exact same moment made it impossible for me to push her out of the way in time. It's something I will have to live with for the rest of my life. I pray that this failure will motivate me more so that no one will have to go through the pain and humiliation of having a coke explode on them ever again. It is my calling - it is my curse.