вторник, июня 17, 2008


(Disclaimer: This is not a Birthday post, but I thought I'd give a shout out to you awesome people in the title there.  I love you both and will be sure to pray for you today!)

Sleep patterns still aren’t where I’d like them to be. I tend to be tired in the middle of the day and ready to stay up all night. Kind of like when I was in college…

Today was beautiful. So is tonight. Not too hot, not too cold. I laid around for way too long this morning; Emily came over just in time for lunch and to get a hot shower (her hot water has been off for two weeks already…wonder when our turn will come). We chatted and then she was headed to a meeting. I needed to be preparing for teaching Americans how to teach English tomorrow, but the beautiful day (and my lack of motivation at the time) led to a walk around my little section of the city. It was very refreshing and I came home with much more enthusiasm for preparing my notes, listened to Rich Mullins and made a cup of coffee. Mmmmm.

I get to see team Brookhills tomorrow. I’m pretty excited about that. Kevin. Gretchka. Yeeessss. If you want to, Join me in praying for them this next week. They will be serving at a camp in Lughansk (I have no idea how to write that in Latin letters…so, forgive the spelling.), a city near the Russian boarder. I’ll try to get more details about that and specific prayer requests tomorrow when I see them.

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