пятница, июня 02, 2006

nothing special...

I wish I had something exciting to tell you guys.  Or at least that I could come up with an exciting way to tell you about the not exciting things that happened today.  Well, not that they were unexciting, just that they would not be exciting for you to read about.  However, at this very moment Calyn is heating up water in pots and pans in our kitchen in an attempt to fill the bathtub with hot water so that she can make herself clean…that’s entertaining if nothing else…I think I will wash my hair tonight.  That will be an adventure.  Yesterday we went by the camp site to pick something up and it was so crazy to be there.  So hard to believe that it has been 10 months since we left, and so hard to believe we’ve still got another 2 weeks until we go back.  Time is funny like that.  Ah, well.  I am excited that tomorrow is Saturday and that I get to go to NewFormat.  Missed hanging out with those guys last week.  Can’t believe Calyn will have been here a week already tomorrow.  Again with that funny time thing.  Ooo…I bought an umbrella today.  I know this may not seem like any big deal to any of you guys, but I don’t think I have ever bought an umbrella in my life.  I can’t remember the last time I actually used one.  In Tallahassee I just figured it wasn’t worth the hassle of having to get it out and all that to walk 10 feet from my truck to wherever it was I was trying to go—I’d just get a little wet.  Now that I walk and take public transportation everywhere the invention of the umbrella seems much more practical.  So, yeah, mom, I gave in and bought an umbrella.  You should be proud.  :o) 

2 комментария:

Анонимный комментирует...

Ya va shocke! (sp??)
Anyway, I am very proud of you.
Guess who got soaked walking to get my haircut yesterday because I forgot my umbrella! Go ahead and laugh - I know you are!

Lori комментирует...

Pauls: mine is hot pink, Calyn's is irridescant green and Amberly's is clear with orange pokadots.