суббота, января 21, 2006

It is so cold outside. Yesterday Roma had to wait for the marshootka for over an hour in the freezing cold. Then Amberly and Sarah had to wait for the same marshootka for 30 min. Amberly thought she was going to die. Pasha says "soon we will all die." opa. But, today Amberly and Sarah and I turned on our space heater and watched movies in the living room. We went to New Format tonight and tomorrow we are going to Little Andrey's chuch to see him drum! Fun times. Hope ya'll are staying warm :o)

Oh, and I ordered my mom's plane tickets last night, so it's official...she will come to me on Spring Break. I am a very happy girl.

1 комментарий:

Анонимный комментирует...

gosh, that picture of Dennis is priceless. I love you and miss you Lori, I'm glad your mom is for sure coming to see you!!!