воскресенье, мая 28, 2006

May is NOW.

A flight delay, a missed flight, and a ride-with-Magdych later, Calyn is here.  Our adventures have already begun as her baggage is in Paris and we awoke this morning to an exploding washing machine (nothing to worry about, upon seeing the geyser, we promptly called Serozha who came over and turned a knob—I mean, who used his super human strength to hold the leak, weld the pipe back together and suck up all the water off the floor).  The fun has just begun my friends, the fun has just begun…

четверг, мая 25, 2006

Talked to Calyn just now.  This is going to be the longest 2 and a half days of my life I'm afraid.  My roommate leaves tonight for the mountains.  I will miss her :o(  And so, when she leaves I will be awaiting the arrival of my precious Vin.  I will just have to keep myself busy.  Clean my house, read Harry Potter, watch some Friends. 

Well, I'm off to work...


вторник, мая 09, 2006

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.  2 Corinthians 10:5


I wrote a whole post about this verse.  And then I deleted it.  Basically, I just want to start taking captive every thought.  I want, even my thoughts, to reflect the love of my God. 

понедельник, мая 01, 2006